Marianao Foundation

Name of the organization

Marianao Foundation

Operational context

Local and National

Main contacts

Address: Plaça Joan N. García-Nieto, s/n - 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona
Phone: 936 303 062


Contact person
Legal representative

Josep Torrico, director


Marianao Foundation is a non-profit organization that since 1985 develops socio-educational projects at the service of the community, with the aim of promoting personal and community development, favoring processes aimed at the social inclusion of those who suffer of social vulnerability. The Foundation has an important presence in Sant Boi de Llobregat and the Baix Llobregat region.

  • David Project

Target groups: Young adult people who need legal guidance in criminal and /or penitentiary matters and personal and social support to assist them in their inclusion process
Main actions:  - Criminal and penitentiary legal advice: to inform of the possibilities that the law and the means offer in each case and, if necessary, writing of the Courts at the request of the person concerned.
- Phone calls and personal accompaniments: assistance to oral visits; Order the cases in the relevant Courts; Coordination with public and private lawyers; Coordination with the professionals of the judicial dependencies and other organizations related to the Justice of Catalonia.
- Proposal for Alternative Penal Measures, work to benefit the community, suspensions and substitutions of custodial sentences, private and non-custodial measures of security.
- Monitoring of the evolution of the internal person in the penitentiary and coordination with the different social workers assigned to the inmates linked to the project.
- Coordination with professionals of all resources of the Community Network and specifically in the field of drug addiction and mental health.
- Monitoring of the Alternative Penal Measures.
- Educational and personalized monitoring: periodic interviews with each of the people served and / or their families.
- Accompaniments to carry out all types of management: labour, administrative, medical, social ...
- Elaboration of social reports and personal follow-up, as support in their criminal and penitentiary process.

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