German Forum for Crime Prevention – DFK Stiftung Kriminalitäts-Prävention

Name of the organization

German Forum for Crime Prevention
(DFK Stiftung Kriminalitäts-Prävention)

Operational context


Main contacts


Contact person
Legal representative

President of the German Forum for Crime Prevention: Heiko Maas, Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection.


The task of coordinating and fostering co-operation between all the relevant  institutions in the field of crime prevention cannot be accomplished only by the police. In July 2001 the German Federal Government and the German States called the Foundation German Forum for Crime Prevention (DFK) into life to act as a national body for crime prevention in Germany by promoting the various approaches that can be undertaken in order to reduce crime.

The Foundation’s task is to use prevention alternatives to the greatest extent possible as well as to support crime prevention in all aspects. This is a task not set by the Federal Government, states and municipalities alone, but rather, as affecting all forces in society, which must work on stemming crime through preventive measures, minimizing the damage therefrom, and, above all, strengthening the public’s sense of security. 

All of society must contribute to this and it is a central task of the DFK to bring together all powers relevant to this to take on joint responsibility.

  • Networking and Co-operation: bringing together state and non-state  actors in the field of crime  prevention, as well as supporting the most suitable prevention actors according to the individual  aims  and  needs of a specific project.
  • Bundling: supporting and strengthening the different activities and their mutual use and thus  increasing their total effects as well as further developing different prevention approaches by bringing together the various experts and institutions in the field.
  • Management and Transfer of Knowledge: initiating  further practical work in the field of crime  prevention  and  propagating  “best”-practice  examples  as  well as relevant  scientific  findings on a national and international level.
  • Public Relations: Sensitising the public for the foundation’s aims and objectives and thus working towards more public commitment and participation in the field of crime prevention.