The Joint Terrorism Response Center / Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

Name of the organization

The Joint Terrorism Response Center /   Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

Operational context


The Joint Terrorism Response Center, established at the end of 2004 in Berlin, is not a separate authority but a joint cooperation and communication platform of 40 national authorities in the field of internal security.

Main contacts


Contact person
Legal representative

Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution


Combating terrorism through the cooperation of different intelligence and police actors - supplemented by flanking measures in the field of aliens law as well as a long-term effective coordination of preventive and repressive needs (holistic approach).

The strengthening of inter-agency cooperation and the intensification of cooperation with representatives of law enforcement also create a culture of trust which is indispensable for the early identification and defense of dangers.

A key element of the success of the GTAZ is the cooperation between intelligence and police institutions and actors. A prerequisite for their co-operation under one roof was the establishment of two separate pillars, namely in the form of the intelligence services and the police information and analysis center (NIAS and PIAS).

  • Current case studies, preparation of hazard prognoses, medium- and long-term analyzes in different working groups (Arbeitsgruppen: AG):

    AG Daily review

    AG Hazard assessment

    AG Operational information exchange

    AG "Cases / analyzes on Islamic terrorism"

    AG Islamist-terrorist personal potential

    AG Deradicalization

    AG Transnational Aspects

    AG Statutory Accompanying Measures

    Intelligence Board (NIAS only)