Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci

Name of the organization

Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci onlus

Operational context


Main contacts

Address: Villa “Il Roseto” – via Beato Angelico, 15 – 50014 Fiesole (Firenze)
Phone: +39.055.597149


Contact person
Legal representative

Giancarlo Paba (Legal representative)


Giovanni Michelucci Foundation was established in 1982 by the architect Giovanni Michelucci, to "contribute to research and study on city planning and modern and contemporary architecture, with a special attention to the problems regarding social facilities, hospitals, prisons, and schools”. The FGM is today a relevant actor in research and planning on social habitat and on the relationship between space and society, coordinating researches and developing proposals to innovate the local policies on the most relevant urban problems such as migration, housing exclusion, suburbs, urban security, health. FGM has promoted studies and research into the composition and changing trends of the penitentiary population; on the types and conditions of prison facilities; on re-education activities promoted in individual establishments (scholastic, university, professional training, artistic, cultural, recreational and sporting and employment reinsertion); on the role of co-operation of local bodies; on particular types of inmates; foreigners, addicts, mentally ill.

  • OUTinOUT project

Target groups: professionals and volunteers of the Juvenile Justice System, policy makers, minors under criminal proceedings
Place/Facilities: metropolitan area around Florence
Main actions: The execution of comparative research on the juvenile criminal and penitentiary systems (strategies for training and social re-habilitation, alternative measures to detention, etc.); The implementation of improvement initiatives for the detention conditions of minors (identification and evaluation of good practices of guidance, training and social and work inclusion; experimentation of models of intervention and guidance and support of minors subject to criminal proceedings); Strengthening the professional skills of key workers from the different partner countries, who are involved, with various tasks, for the reintegration of minors.
Additional information: Click here to know more details about this intervention


  • La città ritrovata con i ragazzi (The city rediscovered with Juveniles)

Target groups: minors within the Juvenile Prison of Florence
Place/Facilities: IPM Meucci (Juvenile Prison in Florence)
Main actions: Participatory path with the juveniles within IPM Meucci; implementation of an itinerary to visit the structure aimed at citizenship, which includes: The use of historic-artistic areas (baroque church, cloister and the historic wooden ceiling), the preparation, construction  of a photographic exhibition on juvenile detention, the presentation of artistic artifacts.
Additional information: Click here to know more details about this intervention


  • La nuova Strada (The new road)

Target groups: minors within the Juvenile Prison of Florence
Place/Facilities: IPM Meucci (Juvenile Prison in Florence)
Main actions: Meetings with professionals and members of the external community as witnesses of the opportunities which are waiting the juveniles beyond the prison walls
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