aufBruch KUNST GEFÄNGNIS STADT is in this project as an expert for concrete theatre and art works in prisons, as a model of preventing radicalisation in prison and closed institutions. We will share ideas and knowledge about art works in prisons from previous projects. Demonstrate the positive effects of art projects in closed environments. We will involve experts and partners from the justice department into the process of developing best practice guidelines. Take part in the participants evaluation. Developing and share training modules addressed to artists they plan to work in prisons. Discuss models for handling and preventing violent conflicts. aufBruch takes part in all transnational meetings. We will be involved in the Research on projects and similar experiences. aufBruch will involve stakeholders in this project and is participating in the evaluation process.

Holger Syrbe

Project Manager

Stage designer, visual Artist (diploma). Many productions in various State Theatres, Exhibitions in various Galleries. Founded aufBruch in 1997, Stage designer and technical director in all prison theatre projects of aufBruch. Leader of the international department of aufBruch, involved in many European Projects and Conferences. Developing of workshop models for artistic projects in Prisons.

Claudia Rothenbühler

Research, Trainer, office work

Dramaturg (diploma), since 2014 in the team of aufBruch, developing and operating literature workshop projects in prisons

Francesca Spisto

Research, Training, Organisation

Psychologist (diploma) – active in prison arts projects since 2010/ organisation and operation of art workshops in prisons

Sibylle Arndt

Research, Training, Organisation

Diploma in journalism and politic sciences, has worked for various companies and bands, since 2002 involved in prison arts projects, specialist for organising art projects in prisons and networking with the justice and prison partners.

Peter Atanassow


Actor (diploma) and Director of lots of the aufBruch-theatre-projects in jails since 2004, acting in many State Theatres and TV-Productions, Workshops and international Prison Theatre Productions with aufBruch in Russia and Chile.