PROVA Project is a European funded project aimed at preventing the radicalisation of juvenile offenders in prison and probation.
It is addressed to professionals of the juvenile justice system, stakeholders committed to inclusion policies, and minors/young-adults under criminal proceedings. University students have been involved in its Implementation. After the definition of target groups, contents and Partners’ roles, have been carried out Implementation of Training, Workshops and Guidelines. The training was addressed to professionals, to improve – with participatory methods – their competences, team-building capabilities, empowerment, and specific skills in preventing conflicts. Stakeholders have been involved in the use of urban spaces for fostering youth aggregation. Workshops introduced activities for youth under criminal proceedings, involving university students, aimed at re-imagining urban spaces, including the inner spaces of juvenile detention institutions, to make them open to intercultural dialogue.
PROVA Project at the Convention “Carcere e Giustizia, ripartire dalla Costituzione” in Florence, Italy
PROVA Project at the Conference “Psicologia per la scuola: voci in dialogo” in Florence, Italy
Book – YOUTH VIOLENT RADICALISATION Preventive strategies and community-based practices in Europe
PROVA Project at the first edition of the National Conference on Penitentiary Education “Re-education through torture versus re-education through culture”
PROVA Project at the 13th National Conference of Bioethics in Iasi, Romania
PROVA Project at the XI Jornada de Medi Obert de Justicia Juvenil, in Barcelona, Catalunya
PROVA Project Science Café at “Voci e Colori 2018” event in Montelupo, Italy
PROVA Project – Public Final Event in Florence, Italy
PROVA Project at the 7th Conferencia International de Psicologia Comunitaria in Santiago, Chile
PROVA Project at the National Conference “XXI Generation. Intergenerational and Psycho-pedagogical Dialogues” in Iasi, Romania