Staff Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci

Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci, thanks to its great experience, it has been chosen as Lead Partner of WP1 (precondition of the overall project) and the aspects relating communication and dissemination.

Corrado Marcetti

Corrado Marcetti

Senior researcher of PROVA project

Architect and member of Michelucci Foundation's Scientific Committee. He worked with the architect Giovanni Michelucci on several projects and has been involved within the research at the Territorial and Urban Research Institute in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence. As director of Giovanni Michelucci Foundation worked on issues related to urban transformations, social habitat, educational and hospital structures, reception and residential projects in the fields of housing exclusion.  Consultant to municipal and regional authorities in the study of innovative housing models and has gleaned much experience in shared planning, analysing the social impact of interventions and urban integration.

Saverio Migliori

saverio migliori

Senior researcher of PROVA project

Educational Science Degree, PhD in Quality of Education, lecturer at University of Florence, and author of the following books: "Lo studio e la pena" (Florence 2004), "Carcere, esclusione sociale e diritto alla Formazione" (Rome 2007). Staff member at Giovanni Michelucci Foundation for the prison environment field, with experience in the educational process in prisons. Coordinator for European projects focused on training in prison and in deviant contexts, he worked on issues related to immigration in prison contexts and juvenile delinquency with emphasis on foreign minors.

Massimo Colombo

massimo colombo

Senior researcher of PROVA project

Architect, collaborates since 1994 with the Giovanni Michelucci Foundation. He works on issues related to inclusion, housing poverty and informal housing. He focuses on participation process and self-production and in particular the implementation of innovative measures aimed at mitigating housing poverty and social disadvantages (homeless, Roma); on behalf of the Tuscany Region, he has managed projects aimed at social inclusion of Roma which have led to the realization of two permanent settlements in Pisa and Florence. As part of youth policies interventions, he has coordinated the project “Universe Cities – creation of a network of services for students in Florence and Prato” funded by the Ministry for Equal Opportunity in Italy and the project “Young people sight on the City that changes” which has gained the recognition of the Unesco Centre in Florence. He has also coordinated several European funded projects such as Youth in Action; "BEST Best practices in European Selbuild Training"; ADP Agent de proximité; Lea.P. Learning in prison.

Alessandro Masetti

Head of communication of PROVA project

Architect with background and long-time experience in communication and culture.
He currently teaches Communication and Social Media courses in several Study Abroad programs in Florence.
Since 2016 is Head of Press Relations at Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci in Fiesole.